Classic chocolate chip cookies with a nutty twist. With added honey and tahini along with a crunchy sesame exterior, these cookies are next level.
These cookies are pretty straightforward to make, and the tahini and the honey added make this cookie recipe one of my favorites. Not too sweet, slightly chewy and slightly crispy, these cookies are perfect if you're tired of making regular cookies. The fat from the tahini helps cut down on the fat coming from the butter, so you may find that this recipe uses way less butter than others.
Fast Facts!
uses sesame
low in butterfat
Beginner baking level
Salted Tahini Honey Cookie Recipe:
makes 10-13 cookies
30 min prep time
15 min freeze time
10 min cook time
Cookie Dough
57g butter, softened
60mL tahini
12mL honey
80g brown sugar
33g egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
75g flour
3/8 tspn baking soda
pinch of salt
1 cup of dark or semisweet chocolate, chopped
raw (black and white) sesame seeds to coat
Cream butter, brown sugar, honey, and tahini in a large bowl for 2-3 min, until pale and fluffy.
Whisk in egg and vanilla until emulsified
In a separate bowl, whisk the flour, baking soda, and salt together. Add this to the butter-tahini mixture and fold.
Fold in chopped chocolate.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Portion the dough using a heaped tablespoon and freeze until firm, 10-15 min. Coat the balls with the sesame seeds and then freeze again, 5-10 min. Alternately, rest dough overnight and do the same procedure the next day for better flavor.
Bake on a parchment lined baking sheet for 10-15 min.
Let cool on the pan.