This spiced-up version of the classic pecan pie is so, so good. The filling is made from melted chocolate, toasted nuts, maple syrup, and a handful of spice, lending to a surprisingly flavorful tart that is just stunning.
This tart is an upgraded version of the classic pecan pie. I ditched using corn syrup in this recipe(an ingredient commonly used in pecan pie) since I wanted something more flavorful. I opted for using maple syrup instead! The result was a beautifully flavored tart with a bunch of flavor coming from both spices and syrup.
Please try this recipe out!
Fast Facts!
Contains flour(gluten)
Contains dairy
Beginner baking level
SUPER flavorful
Spiced Chocolate Pecan Tart Recipe:
-makes one 7 inch tart-
30 min prep time
35 min cook time
Tart dough
110g cake flour
60g softened butter
30g powdered sugar
1 egg yolk
2 eggs
62g semisweet chocolate
1/2 cup pecans, chopped, plus more for decoration.
120g maple syrup
50g dark brown sugar
pinch of salt
56g butter
a few drops of vanilla
1/2 tspn cinnamon
small pinch of powdered ginger
small pinch nutmeg
small pinch cloves
small pinch of cardamom
Make the crust: combine the butter and sugar with a spatula. Add egg yolk. Mix. Add flour. Mix. Wrap in clingfilm and chill.
Add all ingredients except for chocolate and butter in a large bowl. In a small microwavable bowl, mix chocolate and butter. Microwave until smooth. Add to the large bowl. Mix.
For the tart crust: line a 7 inch tart tin with the crust by pressing it up the sides. Freeze for 5 min. Dock, then add the filling. Decorate with pecan halves.
Bake at 425F for 15 min, then 350 for 20 min.
Let cool on a wire wrack.